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September 14, 2011


Scenariusz i reżyseria Jesper Ganslandt
Zdjęcia Fredrik Wenzel
Wykonawcy Olle Sarri (Krister), Eva Rexed (Bilskolelev), Francoise Joyce (Matka)
Dystrybucja Nordisk Film
Gatunek dramat, thriller
Czas 81 minut

The Ape, tak brzmi międzynarodowy tytuł tego filmu. Jest on drugim fabularnym, pełnym metrażem Jespera Ganslandta. Tych, którzy znają jego fenomenalny debiut, zdziwi być może radykalna zmiana gatunku. Błogie, nostalgiczne obrazy Pożegnania z Falkenberg0, zastępuje, bowiem, opowieść o wstrząsającej zbrodni i jej konsekwencjach. Skandynawski filmowiec nadal trzyma się tematu śmierci, chociaż tym razem, porusza go w sposób znacznie bardziej ponury. Nie mamy już do czynienia z nastolatkami z prowincji. Ponownie jednak, pewien zgon, wytrąca protagonistę ze spokojnego trybu życiu. 

            Punkt wyjścia dla tej historii, stanowi motyw, dobrze znany z popularnej ostatnio, serii komedii „Kac Vegas”. Główny bohater, trzydziestoparoletni mężczyzna, budzi się po szalonej nocy, na podłodze toalety, w dodatku pokryty plamami z krwi. Szybko odkrywa, że nie jest ranny. Oszołomiony, nie może lub nie chce odtworzyć wydarzeń dnia poprzedniego. Analogie z kinem zza oceanu kończą się wcześnie, gdyż Krister, nie stara się nic wyjaśniać a jedynie uspokoić. Następnie, postępuje zgodnie z harmonogramem dnia powszedniego. Odbiera samochód z naprawy, udaje się do pracy, pobiera lekcję tenisa. Zdaje się uciekać na tyle ile jest to możliwe przed traumatycznymi wspomnieniami. Estetyka „Apan” jest ciężka, mroczna, obarcza widza empatyczną trwogą. Liczne wąskie kadry zamykają bohatera w niewielkiej celi. Podsycają uczucie izolacji i pokazują mężczyznę na granicy obłędu. Więziony wewnątrz własnego, chaotycznego stanu umysłu, walczy z rozpaczą i beznadziejnością sytuacji w której się znalazł. 
Olle Sarri odtwórca głównej roli, w filmie gra Kristera.
              Już od pierwszych ujęć widać, że najnowsze dzieło Jaspera Ganslandta dalece odbiega od słodko-gorzkiego tonu tego poprzedniego. Lekkość i wyrafinowanie debiutu szwedzkiego reżysera wynika paradoksalnie do opowiedzianej historii, z pozytywnej atmosfery. Samobójcza śmierć Davida1, nie smuci długo, gdyż film w naturalny sposób pozwala pogodzić się z tragiczną decyzją chłopca o zakończeniu własnego życia. W „Apan” brakuje najmniejszej, choćby złudnej nadziei na niewinność bohatera. Wyłącznie ostatnie minuty, przynoszą oglądającemu kojące wątpliwości.
                Pomysł na takie kino wydawał się bardzo interesujący. Zaadoptowanie techniki Mike Leigha, polegającej na zakazie komunikowania Olle Sarri - odtwórcy głównej roli, treści scenariusza, miał dodać pikanterii tej mrocznej produkcji. Tytuł – „The Ape” podobno został zainspirowany, pewną podróżą reżysera w przepełnionym autobusie, kiedy to, poczuł się jak otoczony gromadą małp. Takim oto sposobem, najważniejszą sceną w filmie, staje się, Krister oglądający program przyrodniczy o małpach. To zadziwiająco podobna sekwencja do tej którą widzimy w greckim filmie „Attenberg”, Athiny Rachel Tsangari. W obu przypadkach autorom zależało na wskazaniu zwierzęcej natury człowieka.

               Z pewnością warto przebrnąć przez gąszcz rozpaczy i deficyt dialogów w tym filmie aby rozszyfrować zagadkę zabójstwa. Zwłaszcza rozmowa z matką bohatera i odnalezienie świadka zbrodni zmieniają zaskakująco punkt widzenia. Zakończenie stanowi najsilniejszy punkt filmu. Czy Krister zabił poprzedniej nocy dając upust zwierzęcym odruchom ? A może odkrył raczej, że jest jedynym człowiekiem na planecie małp? Polecam przekonać się o tym osobiście. 

0 Debiutanckie dzieło Jespera Ganslandta
1Pożegnanie z Falkenberg” 2006 reż. Jesper Ganslandt

Tekst Half Nelson

June 12, 2011

Le Festival Pointdoc 15 janvier au 29 janvier 2012.

*contenu d'un mél reçu de la part de POINTDOC

« Pour ceux qui ne nous connaissent pas, Festival pointdoc est un festival en ligne de films documentaires créé pour ouvrir le cinéma documentaire au plus grand nombre.

Vous avez jusqu'au 30 septembre 2011 (date limite d'inscription) pour nous envoyer vos créations selon les deux catégories proposées :
@ Films jamais diffusés (quelle que soit son année de réalisation)@ Premières créations (réalisées à partir du 1er janvier 2009).

Comme l'année précédente, le Festival
pointdoc s'attachera à sélectionner des regards particuliers sur le monde portés par des auteurs qui s'engagent aussi bien sur le fond que sur la forme.

Vous pouvez retrouver la fiche d'inscription sur notre site web : http://www.festivalpointdoc.fr
N'hésitez pas à faire circuler l'information. »*

« Dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie znają, Festiwalu pointdoc, jest festiwalem filmów dokumentalnych prezentowanych online,  organizowanym w celu promowania kultury kina dokumentalnego.
Trwał będzie na przestrzeni 15 dni, podczas których, (darmowa) projekcja 20 autorskich filmów będzie dostępna na oficjalnej stronie pointdoc o wybranej przez Ciebie porze oraz miejscu na całym świecie.
Tak więc, z wielką przyjemnością ogłaszamy APEL O NADSYLANIE AUTORSKICH FILMOW DOKUMENTALNYCH.

Zgłoszenia dostarczyć należy do 30 wrzesnia 2011  przesylajac film w jednej z dwóch możliwych kategorii :
@ Film nigdy niedystrybuowany (bez względu na rok produkcji)@ Pierwsze dzieło (zrealizowany po 1wszym stycznia 2009).

Jak miało to miejsce w poprzedniej edycji, Festiwal
pointdoc zamierza wyłonić świeże spojrzenia na świat autorów których filmy wyróżnią się zarówno na poziomie treści jak i formy.

Tutaj znajduje sie formularz zgłoszeniowy : http://www.festivalpointdoc.fr


April 15, 2011

We will 'starfuck' this Spring in Paris!

The Kenedys

We have already our precious Easter holidays in France. What a fabulous period it is, isn't it.
The sun has woken up and the air is still fresh.

This is the time where you can catch up some musical arrears, recent expositions or last cinema releases. 
I'm killing myself everyday for having missed Wild Palms live at the end of 2010. What an inexcusable neglect! But enough about the busy, shameful past. To avoid this mistake in the near future,  it's necessary to note all interesting indie concerts in Paris, till summer 2011. [At this point, I can't deny the contribution of  last fm, which is very helpful when we need to organise our personal line up]. 

16 April 2011 Saturday FLECHE D'OR

So first, a very important gig for people like me, who missed their appearance with Waves in Point Éphémère, couple months ago.  The band that I'm talking about is Smith Westerns (US), already today in Fleche D'or. If you like  lo-fi, garage rock, or noise pop, all coloured by a very meaningful mark: indie, you need to see them fast!
Besides, this evening is not going to  ruin you. I think the ticket price (10€ at club /13€ on-line) is very reasonable especially when we take into consideration the number of all musicians performing this Saturday at FD'or:      KIM NOVAK + LA FELINE + MYRA LEE + JB & FRIENDS (DJ).

21 April 2011 Thursday POINT EPHEMERE

We all like American suburbs' sound but can you imagine the world without British music? Have you already been enchanted by Echo & The Bunnymen, White Lies? Great, than you will appreciate particularly CHAPEL CLUB, 21 April 2011 in Point Éphémère. Of course the price is higher, 14 € /16€, I guess being mentioned on NME pages raises very fast the market value of artists. This concert is a part of a huge tour across Europe  promoting their first album: 'Palace'. 

26 April 2011 Thursday L'INTERNATIONAL

Elizabeth Devlin

I'm not sure that I will be in L'Internaional at My Broken Frame Release Party but this is what I intend to do anyway. Elizabeth Devlin, from New York, sounds very french according to me. She plays the most often acoustic, sometimes sings even in french. I like her strong retro sound, minimalism, and simplicity. Plus the concert is free, so why shouldn't we give her a try? 
She will be fallowed by My Broken Frame (FR) and Sea Legs from Sydney. The last  one seem to be  interesting indeed, their pop a la countryside is somewhere between Kings Of Leon and Spoon,  a very pleasant music in general. (Free entry!).

28 April 2011 Saturday L'INTERNATIONAL

The Russian Futurists

They play psychedelic pop, and come from Toronto which is a  big plus for me right now, cause I'm trying lately to discover some more exceptional  Canadian artists ( like well known Arcade Fire or  a bit less  popular Slim Twig). Guys from TRF are touring at  present with 'Architecture in Helsinki' all over the Europe. Their last long-play is called 'The Weight's On The Wheels', seriously  a magnetic one. It returns to you like a boomerang, more you listen to it, more it's exciting and finally after a few try you find yourself completely addicted.
The other concert this evening will perform Speed Dial 7, I'm pretty curious about this performance either, just check their song at the play-list to understand what I mean.
As far as I'm concerned, you won't pay anything for watching them live, in International, a fantastic opportunity !


2 May 2011 Monday Café De La Danse

I love endlessly, this funny pop created by Guillemots on their second album 'Red' (2008). It used to bring a wide smile on my face, every time I was listening to it. And now, three years later I can finally go see by myself these young British responsible for millions of my smiles and singing at the shower of course :P 
On 18 April they have released the third long-play called 'Walk The River'.
22 €

Guillemots at Dailybeatz

5 May 2011 Thursday ESPACE B /CANCELLED

I've wrote a bit higher about an american female artist who sings in french, now time came for  four boys from Corsica singing in English, and what's more curious a lot like Kinks or The Beatles.  Moreover, the gig takes place in my favourite club in Paris, Espace B. On Thursday 5 May, The Kenedys will play second concert in this place where, I've actually seen them lately. And naturally, I enjoyed it very much .That's exactly why, about one month later, I'm going to see them again, in the same club, maybe also to remark a possible progress or new songs or just, simply to have fun during their energetic, vintage music. Can't already wait!
   The soonest Kenedys' concert is now on 21 May  in SCOPITONE This is going to be probably a very nice, almost private show. 

14 May 2011 Saturday FLECHE D'OR

I don't know very well, these two DJs from New York, called Holy Ghost! I've just, heard recently their electro pop single 'Wait see', and truly liked it. Than I saw them having published, couple weeks ago, the whole debut album on their site, so I've listened to it either. And now totally prepared to check them live, what  I'm going to realise on 14 May in Fleche D'or. They will play, concert after Adam Kesher (Disco House/Rock FR)
10 € at the club.

Holy Ghost! (USA)

16May 2011 Monday POINT EPHEMERE

I fell in love with Chazwick Bundick's Toro Y Moi thanks to his debut album 'Causers of this' [2010]. The new one (Underneath the Pine, 2011) is also interesting , so it would be delightful to see this american project in one of french clubs. Toro Y Moi, is called glow-fi and hypna-... something pop, hmm.... what a mess, who the hell created these names of musical under-genres? Never mind, after all, it proves his diverse inspirations like R'n'B, film music, the Brian Wilson pop, hip hop from Stone Throw label. This evening,  we will see also in Point Ephemere: With Beat Connection and Tresors (DJ set).
13 € at club.

Toro Y Moi - Bryan Bush

To be continued with my favourite at the moment.....



and so on... concerts you won't hear about from media but appreciate enormously, if you're a real music fan. This a chance to see important international projects before they become another Kings Of Leon, meaning, bands to see from a Canyon Colorado distance with a crowd of savage teenage vampires (;

Half Nelson 
 for SMMN

February 26, 2011

Ten most intresting Polish videoclips 2010 (only indie genres of music!)*

10. Funny animated video clip

It reminds me here and there Gorrillaz although, I think there are more  references to original Asiatic animation, or even Hollywood cartoons here than to Damon Alborn's clip. In general, it certainly required enormous work so, I regret, it wasn't made with more reasonable aesthetics (limiting the crazy amount of colours), because this isn't a fairytale for children (like Avatar ;).


Released on18 December 2010

9. Refined, creative, cosmic

There is a real complete scenario here that is already making this video exceptional in the world of music clips. Moreover, I think that the most interesting is this visual experimentation, with entirely imaginary universe,  intertwined with the cruel, more figurative one. And there was no need to use diverse shapes and clamours to make it work on the screen. It's minimal, and simply well done. (It won the most important music video award in Poland at 2010 Yach Film Festival)

                 (DON'T DISAPPEAR)

Released on 1June  2010

8. Cool, youthful, one scene video-clip!

I like this video very much even if you can't really find inside it anything extraordinary, except the plan sequence  technique, which still demands some patience and certain discipline on the film set. I dig the most for this cool Arctic Monkeys' authentic teenage ambiance and truly good sound. It's also the best official clip of this band according to me (the other ones are blazed by beautiful pictures, actors and views with no true emotions, to sweet to be authentic).

                             (IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME GO)

Don't forget to enlarge the image before watching it!
Released on 20 January 2011

7. FFF = Fresh + Fancy + Fine

This band is never bad or particularly good. Their music and clip don't arouse violent emotions in me but it's fine because after all I can't ignore them either. They are fancy looking and well playing trio that I need to hear and see sometimes, mostly to improve my crappy mood whether, I consider them significant or not.


Released on 9 December 2010

6. It smells money but this video-clip is also very well conceived, no doubt about it.

I like the new Brodka look and music, she improved both of them after a certain break on the market of music.
Of course she has signed for big label so I can't count on her being creative and original forever but for this special moment, let's just loose ourselves admiring her lovely video clip. At the end, she had to play cool and courageous to act beyond the commercial expectations, bravo!

                     (IN FIVE FLAVORS)

Released on 3 October 2010

    The Same category as lower  no. 5.   

Released on 18 October 2010

4. Hot polish reference to crazy 80thies

Oh my GOD! I fancy this video particularly. I could watch it over and over again. There are of course several important reasons for that. First, D4D comes from the same city, I was born. Secondly, they are the lonely case where Polish musicians manage to follow latest world tendencies. I really respect they creation because, it's diverse and unique especially inside the polish market music. This is snazzy!

Released on 31 January 2011
[ must (re-) see at this year's Heineken Opener Festival ;]

3. Impressions Of A Futuristic Retro

I've actually saw this  motion picture, like hundred times so I don't know any more what's more exacting, the song or its video clip. Anyway, I'm not going to loose my mind trying to figure it out. I can just say that I love it, I adore it and pray for it !!!! O.K. maybe I exaggerated a bit with these prayers ;P  However, this little red car and these blurry streets constantly animated persuaded me to pick it for the final three greatest music video-clips 2010 in Poland. This is truly beautiful, in my opinion, proof of a huge sensibility! 


Released on 19 October 2009

2. Far outstanding hipsters' style

This is different. I can't find another word to describe it. Of course, if there is something like hipsters aesthetics preferences, this it! Their essential visual taste, materialised thanks to Paris Tetris.
Vintage, unusual, unconventional, finally against everything!


Released on 23 November 2010

(Must see of this year's Heineken Opener Festival;)

1. Surreal, eccentric, the most charismatic 2010 music video-clip!

Watching this video is probably like tasting D. Lynch's visions or simply enjoying drugs' influence. Surreal or just hyper-realistic? Surely, violent and cruel in way. Because there are some strong, authentic emotions there. I love this enigmatic atmosphere and dark art direction. Characters and locations are mysterious, the music far from easy listening (at the begging). It makes me somehow feel alive, as if I were experiencing these images, instead of commonly watching them. I don't know why this short piece of artwork has such an influence on me. The truth is that, it just takes my breath away since 2min19s, when the climax starts, with the poetic slow motion but also paradoxically very dynamic part of this clip. 

Just look at the fantastic composition of lightening which has enormously important part in this video. Strong reflectors in completely dark spaces create disquieting shadows. On the other hand, it seems to draw as well, a border of safe zone, of common sense. Contrariwise, the darkness hides dangerous human nature.
Images, are from time to time, finely coloured by flashes of delicate shades (green, blue and yellow accents). 

Gosh, this clip is so sad and mad at the end that, I can't deal with it, inside my head. It doesn't stop to confuse me. I'm pretty sure that if I were able to tame it entirely, I would have fed up my fascination, after two minutes of watching it.
Fast editing, dramatic actions and these weird shots of the misty eye dog are particularly brilliant.  Pure genius! 
impressive work : art direction, video editing, film sets, costumes and calibration)

                                     (FRAGILE BLONDE)

Released on 24 August 2010
Director: M. Nygaard Hemmingsen

Producer: Joanna Zofia Bard Mikolajczyk
Director of photography: Mads Køngerskov

Production & Costume design: Katarzyna Pielużek
Make up design: Żaneta Zuza Stefańska

Production Poland: Katarzyna Pielużek & Barbara Kaja Kaniewska
1st AC: Jacob Sofussen
Gaffer: Jerzy Irzyk, MG Service
Editor: Anders Skov
Colorist: Oliver Wolff
Still photographer: Barbara Kaja Kaniewska

Andrzej Fiołek
Mateusz Irzycki
Jan Kozłowski
Krzysztof (Żbik),
Alina Kubiak
Tomasz Łapucha
Joanna Zofia Bard Mikołajczyk
Jakub Mroczyński
Iwona Pasińska
Żaklina Piechanowska
Halina Pucka
Paulina Szubarga
Piotr Twardosz
Ewa Wawrów
Krystian Wieczyński

* The period concerns the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2011 as well.

February 23, 2011

James Dean On The Road - une vie programmee

Une exposition sur James Dean? Hmm, elle mérite certainement d’être vérifiée. J'y suis allée restant assez sceptique. Premièrement, parce qu'elle se trouve dans une boutique (16e arrondissement) donc je me suis immédiatement dit qu'elle n'aurait pas pu être signifiante. A ma grande surprise elle n'est pas du tout petite et  son atout c'est la diversité des objets  ramasses. Même, si on lit dans la brochure qu'il s'agit d'une expo picturale, on y découvre bcp plus que cela (a voir personnellement ).
  Qu'est-ce que je peux rajouter encore? 
J'ai eu plusieurs curieuses aventures en m'y rendant mais, ce serait jamais possible de les toutes décrire, ici. 
Par exemple, a la station métro Rue De La Pompe, deux jeunes gosses sont sortis de même wagon que  moi et se sont mis entre deux compartiments du train, ce qui m'a déjà choque pas mal. Le conducteur sans y prêter attention est reparti avec les garçons collées, gueules contre vitres :D

Ensuite, j'ai du attendre vingtaine minutes mon ami qui était en retard. Alors, comme j'ai rate mon petit-dejeneur le matin a cause de concert Razorlight et sortie a l'International la nuit précédente, j'ai senti  un énorme faim pour le frappé a la vanille. Malheureusement après l'avoir cherche partout dans le coin (Av. Victor Hugo y compris) j'ai fini par me rendre a l'expo déçu et assoiffée. Juste pour conclure... malgré que le magasin de vêtement ne parait pas un lieu conventionnel pour des événements culturels, on y était chaleureusement reçu ayant grande liberté de regarder, filmer, lire, essayer des fringues... (:

129 bis, de la Pompe,
PARIS 75016

Ilona Piescikowska

Kitty, Daisy&Lewis Buggin' Blues

January 8, 2011

THE PIG, THE NAIVE AND THE CHARLATAN. Swinia, Naiwniak i Szarlatan

3 extraits "Le Cochon, le Naïf et le Charlatan"
Załadowane przez: burgevin. - Pełny sezon i wszystkie odcinki online.

Vincent Burgevin, is  French indie director, who has already made several short films  with very good critics. His  movies are interesting because, funny and atypical in a way. He is best known for the previous : Heureux, qui comme Edouard ( Happy who as Edward ), a musical with performances of brilliant dancers almost as spectacular as in Hollywood. But enough about the director, let’s talk about PIG, NAIVE AND CHARLATAN (2010).
I saw it first in a public TV which is quite natural. Projectioncs were in Canal + and an international TV5 Europe, as well as in many film  festivals. The genre is supposed to be comedic but like, it was with Edward...  They are not just comedies. First was a musical about bureaucracy. The second, I would even call existential. There is a huge place for an irony in this movie and a whole bunch of irrational situations. However, we buy this bizarre reality at once, because, its pictures are coherent and very well thought. The scenario is simple, so we believe that the idiot with a big heart can be so silly.

The Gothic style, usually pathetic, is here one of the ways to present, how much the human communication breaks down.  Furthermore, how miserable may the consequences of our  desperate need for friendship or any other relationship can be.  The action take mostly place at night because, it underlines perfectly hopeless and absurd nature of this world (our world).  These aesthetics brought clearly into my mind inspirations of French Theatre de l'absurde. The omnipresent darkness, intense, almost theatrical lights and characters like, helpless puppets, controlled by others or some weird forces.  The plot expanses by series of illogical adventures, dismissing any realism. 
I like this image and, I hope you will like, it too. This is the part of French cinema that, I appreciate the most. It's far from a clumsy documentary style, very popular in recent movies (that, I can't usually stand). On the contrary, this sort of films are terribly detached from our reality but that's the point, the only way to take the necessary distance and go see ourselves in a particular mirror, where things, unseen become visible and clear, for once! So have  fun, watching this trailer and try absolutely to get the full film!

Half Nelson 
for SMMN
